Sebastian Schieke's Blog

Discover the 7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Can't Get Their Drive Back

Written by Claudine Hidalgo | Feb 17, 2022 9:14:26 AM

In the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship, one thing remains that pushes business owners to face challenges head-on and rise above adversities — Drive. Driving Force is what fuels entrepreneurs to venture out to matters that ignite their passion in life.

But that is not always the case and not all entrepreneurs are like Colonel Sanders, who had a string of failed business ventures by the age of 65 and only tasted sweet success at 75. What pushed him to continue to travel all around the US and sell his chicken recipe, often sleeping in his car? His drive. It is the reason why the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation is making millions today.

It is indeed a struggle for entrepreneurs to keep pushing forward. We might not know exactly why, but we have listed down below the possible reasons why entrepreneurs can’t get their drive back:

  1. Not enough pressure due to past successes

    The loss of drive does not exactly always apply to entrepreneurs who still haven’t reached success in their business. This also happens when an entrepreneur has reached the point of success but no longer has the vision to go any further. They end up realizing and asking themselves, what’s next? They don’t feel any pressure anymore to plan ahead because they already got what they wanted. But being content and complacent is dangerous for any business. Entrepreneurs should always seek new ideas and strategies if they want to operate their business in the long run. They should also never take their successes for granted.

  2. Current economic slow-down due to the pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all businesses around the world, whether positively or negatively — but mostly negatively. Ambitious and passionate entrepreneurs were limited to halt almost all of their activities to keep them active. The restrictions brought by the pandemic have placed entrepreneurs to confine themselves in these limitations, which lead to despair and regret of not being able to do the plans they have for their businesses. It is very important for entrepreneurs to pivot and be creative in finding new approaches to engage with their clients, especially at this time.

  3. Loss of energy due to unhealthy patterns

    Not many entrepreneurs realize that staying healthy and in good shape affects the way they run their businesses. They often let their business consume them, leaving them no choice but to succumb to unhealthy lifestyles. Functioning in these patterns leads them to not have enough energy to think and strategize clearly for their business. Having a healthy lifestyle will give you the energy to be at your best state while running your business.

  4. Stacking failures lead to loss of motivation

    It is truly disheartening and frustrating to experience failure upon failure. Stacking failures lead to loss of motivation because entrepreneurs end up questioning themselves if they have taken the right path or made the right decisions. But failure shouldn’t hinder one’s will to succeed in their business — or life. Just like Colonel Sanders, persistence and hard work will always come to fruition.

    Entrepreneurs should also remember that failures are not the end. Failures should be taken as lessons because to experience failure is to foster growth. So keep pushing forward and never give up!

  5. An increase of fear and anxiety because of the negative input from media

    For the past two years, all of us have consumed media that are not exactly pleasant. All of this news about the pandemic has left us feeling depressed and confined to the place that should give us comfort — our homes. But not being able to go out and live the life we’re used to, has led us to be anxious and fear for, not only our own safety and health but also to those who are around and important to us. Entrepreneurs shouldn’t let this negative input from the media consume and demotivate them. It helps to surround themselves with a support group for them to lean on and stay afloat in these difficult times.

  6. Traditional ways of operating your business

    The pandemic has pushed almost all businesses around the world to go digital. Gone are the days when successful companies strictly abide by the old ways of operating in the field. With the rate that new technologies are progressing each day, the future is truly going virtual. Entrepreneurs shouldn’t be close-minded about exploring new and effective ways of how they run their business. They will lag behind their competitors if they continue to do so.

    There are so many tools and methods on the web that entrepreneurs can take advantage of in pushing their businesses to operate virtually. One of these methods is actually hiring a virtual team of experts that can grow their businesses remotely from anywhere in the world. We’ve mentioned this in our previous blog about the 5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire an Online Freelancer. Check it out here.

  7. No sight of a compelling future

    Entrepreneurs usually start out their ventures with their Big Why and their Driving Force. But there might come a time where they have experienced most — if not all — of the points, we’ve mentioned above. Their drive is lost and there’s no sight of a compelling future for them. When it comes to this, it is crucial for entrepreneurs to stay resilient above all and be hungry for more than what they think they can achieve. It won’t be easy but it is not impossible.

As luck would have it, we will be running a challenge on how to get your drive back. Sebastian Schieke will be showing you how to take ownership of your life and create your own destiny.

A little background on the host of the “Get Your Edge” Challenge, Sebastian Schieke is a 7-figure entrepreneur, business angel, and investor. After experiencing 25 years of success with his own companies, yet witnessing the struggles of other businesses, he saw a need for more great business leaders in our ever-changing world. Sebastian is dedicated to making a positive impact by empowering motivated individuals to become exceptional entrepreneurs.

Remember, it is never your fault for having to lose your drive. We are humans after all and it is impossible for us to not be affected by all these challenges. But, it is you to decide what you can do with it. Let Sebastian and his team help you.

We hope to see you there!