1 min read
Helping Great Entrepreneurs Scale and Build a Legacy with Nicky Billou
Sebastian Schieke
Dec 16, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Welcome back to the newest episode of The High-Performance CEO Podcast!
Joining us this week is Nicky Billou, a #1 International Best-Selling Author of the book: Finish Line Thinking: How to Think and Win Like a Champion and The Thought Leader’s Journey: A Fable of Life. He is an in-demand and highly inspirational to corporate audiences, a top podcast host, and has been called a millionaire maker.
Apart from these endeavors, he is also the Co-Founder of eCircle Academy where he runs a year-long Mastermind & Educational program working with Coaches, Consultants, Corporate Trainers, and other service-based Entrepreneurs, positioning them as authorities in their niche.
Dive into the full interview to learn more about his 7-Figure 3P Solution: Solving Acute Problems for Wonderful People for Incredible Profits.
Find Nicky
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickybillou/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NickyBillou
Website: https://ecircleacademy.com
Check out my other channels:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebastian.schieke.official
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIySJIZdBcA7CiQ7jmfppQ
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sebastianschieke
Website: www.sebastianschieke.com