The High-Performance CEO Show

Self-Care and Strong Relationships as Keys to Success with Bram Weerts

Written by Sebastian Schieke | Jan 13, 2023 12:00:00 PM


In this week’s episode of The High-Performance CEO Podcast, joining us is Bram Weerts, Co-Founder of Kea Company and the Founder of Sigma, Executive Advisors. After his year of experience working with big corporates like Dell and Gartner Research, he came up with the idea of assisting tech companies with outsourced Analyst Relations and started Kea Company with his fellow industry veterans.

Kea is an innovative company offering cost-effective marketing solutions to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This method of marketing relies on building relationships and increasing visibility instead of traditional costly tactics and has proven to be successful. Kea also understands the importance of remaining competitive in the RPA industry and offers research, peer-to-peer reviews and analyst calls in order to stay ahead of the game.

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