2 min read
Transforming Workplace Well-Being with Alan Cox
Sebastian Schieke
Aug 4, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Do you want to see a significant improvement in your employees' well-being and a substantial boost in workplace performance? Are you searching for the secret to achieving this transformative result?
In this episode, our guest, Alan Cox, will unveil a solution to enhance your workforce's mental health and overall well-being and significantly enhance their professional productivity. Get ready to unlock the key to a thriving workplace environment and witness the incredible outcomes it brings.
"Your mental fitness is the number one driver for growth and performance, period."
Alan Cox
Founder - EverYellow
More on Alan
Introducing Alan Cox, an entrepreneur and founder of EverYellow, who's made it his life mission to promote mental wellness in the workplace. From enduring a troubled childhood and grappling with depression to narrowly escaping the deadly Canterbury earthquakes, Alan's experiences have profoundly informed his work. His compelling life story provides the bedrock for his mission to help others struggling with mental health issues, thus creating supportive and nurturing professional environments. His widely used app is a testament to his dedication to fostering resilience and advocating mental well-being.
Find Alan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alancoxnz/
Website: www.everyellow.com
Key takeaways:
- Learn about the transformative power of mental health in shaping workplace performance.
- Highlight the significant financial implications of uninspiring wellness policies.
- Grasp the potential value of using well-being as a performance metric for department heads.
- Acknowledge the primacy of mental stamina and its contribution towards stellar performance.
- Explore groundbreaking resources for consistent observation and appraisal of mental health.
Accountability for Well-being
Ensuring a mentally fit workforce is a responsibility that needs to be shared, not shouldered by one or a few. By building a culture that emphasizes well-being, firms can make this cause a part of their DNA, fostering a supportive ecosystem crafted by everyone, for everyone. One way to accomplish this is by creating spaces for open conversations where employees feel heard and understood.
Alan proposes a surprising yet thought-provoking solution: making well-being a key performance indicator (KPI) for divisional leaders. This strategic move ensures a collective commitment to the cause, and leaders become accountable for the mental fitness of their teams. They carry the baton of well-being, fostering an environment conducive to open dialogues about mental health, thus driving the organization towards a healthier, more efficient future.
The resources and other topics mentioned in this episode are:
- Visit EverYellow's website to learn more about their app and how it can improve mental well-being in the workplace.
- Download the EverYellow app from the App Store or Google Play Store to use it in your organization.
- Watch The Truth About Depression on YouTube to better understand the physical aspects of mental health and how it can be reversible.
- Explore books on neuroscience, neuroplasticity, psychology, and Buddhism to expand your knowledge and understanding of mental well-being.
- Take the time to evaluate your mental fitness and consider making life adjustments to improve your overall well-being.
- Encourage your employees or team members to prioritize their mental health and provide resources and support for them to do so.
- Stay informed about the latest research on workplace well-being, stress, and burnout to better understand and address these issues in your organization.
- Act proactively and regularly check in with your employees to identify signs of stress and burnout before they become more severe.
- Invest in mental health initiatives and programs to promote a positive work environment and support the well-being of your employees.
- Remember that mental health and physical health are interconnected.
Key Moments in the Episode:
00:01:40 - Alan's Personal Journey
00:05:39 - Discovering Hope and Transformation
00:10:36 - The Power of Mental Fitness
00:14:14 - Workplace Well-being and Burnout
00:18:20 - The Cost of Wellness Programs
00:19:20 - Accountability for Well-being
00:21:18 - Well-being as a KPI
00:22:38 - Mental Fitness and Performance
00:27:46 - Creating a Toolbox of Resources
00:38:53 - The Influence of Childhood Experiences
00:40:08 - Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind
00:41:58 - The Benefits of Using EverYellow
00:43:32 - Shifting Perspectives and Emotional Responses
00:46:38 - Open-Mindedness and Trying EverYellow
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