1 min read
Using Cybersecurity to Protect Your Business with Albert Whale,
Sebastian Schieke
Nov 4, 2022 1:00:00 PM

In this week’s episode of The High-Performance CEO Podcast, Albert Whale, the Founder, and CEO of IT Security Solutions, International Award Winning Author, and Security Architect, shares with us how vulnerable our businesses are in the absence of cybersecurity. With the world shifting to work-from-home situations since the pandemic, our businesses are now more than ever being targeted by sophisticated hackers as our work devices are not secured enough in the confines of our homes.
Albert has 30+ years of experience with Reducing the Risk for Business and Asset owners, minimizing their Liabilities and Overall risk. He has extensive experience in the techniques that the Hackers use and identifies the Probability and Impact Risks have enabling them to exploit their business. While some organizations will work on everything, Albert develops a comprehensive plan to determine the Probabilities that Risks have and eliminate the Liabilities for the client.
Find Albert
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albertwhale/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AWhalePgh
Website: https://www.it-security-solutions.com/
TheHackedBook: https://thehackedbook.com/
Check out my other channels:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebastian.schieke.official
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIySJIZdBcA7CiQ7jmfppQ
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sebastianschieke
Website: www.sebastianschieke.com