Sebastian Schieke's Blog

The Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs to Build Their Destiny

Written by Sebastian Schieke | Feb 28, 2022 9:46:30 AM

Once someone has made the decision to be an entrepreneur, they have also decided to create their own destiny. Being an entrepreneur gives you the choice to live your life on your own terms. But simply deciding to be an entrepreneur is so much different from becoming a successful one. Most often, their choices could lead them astray from their goals and vision. This could be due to challenges in the organization, in their health, with their family, or simply because they don’t have a clear growth plan written down and concrete steps to achieve it.

In the rest of this article, we’ll be sharing with you the secrets of successful entrepreneurs on how they built their own destiny (and how you can do too!):

  1. Define areas of improvement to grow

    Not many entrepreneurs know that solely focusing on their businesses will not guarantee success. Many factors can contribute to the way you run your business and as cliche, as it sounds, your life will get in the way. That is why it’s important to take into account the different aspects of your life and see where you can improve on them.

    A great way to illustrate this is through The Wheel of Life. The Wheel of Life comprises 8 areas which are: Career, Finance, Health, Relationships, Family, Spirituality, Fun & Recreation, and Personal Growth.

    The Wheel of Life explains that each area accounts for the fulfillment of your life as a whole and that each area affects the other.

  2. Get crystal clear on your status quo

    Get crystal clear on the current rating of each area in your Wheel of Life. Define the areas where you need to improve because being an entrepreneur does not mean you only need to excel in your career. The Wheel of Life encapsulates and represents what kind of an entrepreneur you are. It will reflect how you deal with challenges, clients, and the people in your organization.

    An example would be the area of Health. If you neglect your health, you will not be able to function at your best for your business. You could have an unhealthy diet with little to no exercise, which would cause you to feel lazy and unmotivated to do the tasks you need for your business.

  3. Create a compelling vision

    The Wheel of Life shows you the areas where you are lacking and gives you the need to create a compelling vision for yourself. You would realize that being an entrepreneur is far greater than trying to run a successful business. Being an entrepreneur means that you thrive to excel in all these areas of your Wheel of Life because that’s the only way you can reach fulfillment. Having a successful business is nothing if you are not healthy, have bad relationships with your family, have no time for yourself or for personal growth.

    So, what is your compelling vision? What kind of an entrepreneur do you want to be that goes beyond having a successful business? What is your life’s purpose?

  4. Create clear and exciting goals

    Now that you have defined the areas you need to improve and have created your compelling vision, what’s left is to create your clear and exciting goals. Simply writing down your goals can be overwhelming because you might not have an idea of how to achieve them. That is why you need to write down your goals as SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Risky, and Timed) and Exciting. Below is a worksheet we have curated to guide you on how to write down your E-SMART goals.

Now that you know the secrets of successful entrepreneurs on how they built their own destiny, we trust you to absorb this knowledge and become the entrepreneur you envision to be.

If these exercises helped you, you might be interested to join our quarterly events entitled “The 7-Figure Year” where Sebastian Schieke and his team will show you how to grow your business into 7-figures and beyond, and enjoy your personal life! With the event, a workbook will be handed out which includes exercises — much like the ones we have shown above. 

Sebastian Schieke is a 7-figure entrepreneur, business angel, and investor. After experiencing 25 years of success with his own companies, yet witnessing the struggles of other businesses, he saw a need for more great business leaders in our ever-changing world. Sebastian is dedicated to making a positive impact by empowering motivated individuals to become exceptional entrepreneurs.