1 min read
Setting Up Systems & Great Leadership Teams with Kothand Rajangam
Sebastian Schieke
Oct 14, 2022 1:00:00 PM

In this episode of The High-Performance CEO Podcast, joining us is Kothand Rajangam, Founder and CEO of Katpro Technologies.
Kothand's success as a business consultant stemmed from his dedication and networking skills. After first partnering with Sebastian at a SharePoint conference in Anaheim, Microsoft took notice, driving more customers his way. Succeeding in the US requires immigration, relationships, and an understanding of local culture. Trust must be built through actions, communication, and industry certifications. Entrepreneurs should hone their task and priority management, passion, patience, and spiritual side in order to thrive. KTS is rapidly expanding, hiring 10 new employees in both the US and India, utilizing their cloud managed practice, and hosting an upcoming event which will be discussed on The Successful CEO podcast. The podcast aims to provide leadership habits from high performing CEO's, and invites users to submit questions and feedback.
More on Kothand
Kothand founded Katpro in 2011 catering Microsoft Suite of solutions to mid-market and enterprises on Nintex, SharePoint and Azure. He has had some great opportunities to work on very turn-key enterprise projects and very innovative solutions for startups.
Find Kothand
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kothand/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kat_pro
Website: http://katprotech.com/
Key takeaways:
- Building trust is essential and can be done through actions rather than job postings.
- Communication and understanding between different cultures and players need to be emphasized to foster success.
- Task and priority management, perseverance and patience are necessary skills for entrepreneurs.
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